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Why We PMC- Kevin O'Malley- To Make A Difference

Published Date:   July 20, 2017

Topic:   #WHYIPMC

Guest post by Kevin O'Malley

We PMC to make a difference. I am preparing for my 9thSteve PMC and my youngest son for his 2nd. This year we ride in tribute Carol, Katie and Konde. Carol lost he battle with lung cancer this past March. Katie was diagnosed with breast cancer at week 32 of her pregnancy with her second daughter now 19 months old. She ran the Marathon this April. Konde a friend from Mbale Uganda E A. With our help, he was diagnosed with Metastatic Kaposi Sarcoma this year. We and other friends are paying for his treatment to save his life. No PMC in Uganda. No Health  Insurance. No safety net.

Every year, in addition to dedicating our ride, we carry the names of loved ones both in memory and in tribute. Every year the list gets longer. Every year the stories are more heartbreaking if inspiring.  We PMC to help our friends and family members, to raise awareness and to one day help fund a cure . We do our best to make a difference…


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