There’s A Lot Riding On Us
The PMC's mission is to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. 100% of every rider-raised dollar goes directly to Dana-Farber.
The Ride
On August 3 & 4, 2024, the PMC community came together from all corners of the world with one mission: raise funds for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Together, we will get closer by the mile to a world without cancer. This is what a bike is meant to do.
Commit You'll Figure It Out
Your Support Is Critical
Search for a rider, team, or volunteer, read their story, make a donation to support their goal. Over 280,000 supporters contribute to the PMC’s gift annually making up 62% of the Jimmy Fund’s annual revenue. 100% of every rider-raised dollar goes directly to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Billy Starr at TEDxBoston
What does riding a bike have to do with curing cancer?
Hear the story of how PMC Founder Billy Starr turned personal loss into the creation of a world-class athletic fundraising event and the birth of the "a-thon" industry from the first $10,000 to the cusp of $1 billion raised for cancer research.
Making An Impact
Our corporate sponsors make it possible for the PMC to pass through 100% of every dollar raised by our riders. Their support is critical to the success of the PMC mission.
Upcoming Events
"PMC has always been about hope, health and humanity and it has always been needed. In these times people want to be a part of something good that makes a positive impact."