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PMC Fundraising 101

When you register for the PMC, you are signing up for a fundraising mission first, and a bike ride second. Whether you’re a virtual rider who never gets on a bike or a rider cycling a two-day route on PMC weekend, your commitment contributes to the PMC’s mission of raising funds for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Cancer Institute?

17 Million

Cancer Survivors

When the PMC started in 1980, there were fewer than 5 million cancer survivors in the world. Today, there are more than 17 million, a result of the advancements in treatment and research – many of which were developed at Dana-Farber and are made possible by the tremendous efforts of tens of thousands of everyday people who fundraise in events like the PMC each year.


Impact at DFCI

Since its founding in 1947, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts has been committed to providing adults and children with the best cancer treatment available today while developing tomorrow's cures through cutting-edge research.

The PMC has raised $1.047 billion for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute since its launch in 1980. Today, the PMC is the single largest contributor to Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund and is responsible for 66 percent of the Jimmy Fund’s annual revenue.


Making An Impact

Our corporate sponsors make it possible for the PMC to pass through 100% of every dollar raised by our riders. Their support is critical to the success of the PMC mission.

Meet Our Sponsors

Upcoming Events

Apr30 30
PMC Rider Orientation – Session 1
Wednesday | 06:00PM to 07:30PM
PMC Heavy Hitter Evening
Friday | All day
PMC Rider Orientation – Session 2
Wednesday | All day