Dear PMC Community,
I’m pleased to share that Massachusetts is permitting large outdoor athletic events such as the Pan-Mass Challenge to proceed in 2021 as we had anticipated! In its announcement today, the Baker-Polito Administration cited Massachusetts’ success as one of the leading states in the country for vaccinations. (You can find the full announcement from the Office of the Governor here.)
Our hope is that this positive news will encourage more members of the PMC community to join the 5,300 PMCers who are already registered to ride and support Dana-Farber Cancer Institute this summer.
Please share this news with your friends, family and colleagues. There are many ways to participate in PMC 2021:
- Register to ride one of our supported routes on PMC weekend (August 7 & 8).
- Reimagine and ride whenever and wherever it's most convenient for you.
All registered riders – whether on PMC weekend routes or Reimagined – will receive the official PMC 2021 jersey, socks, and water bottle mailed directly to their homes in July.
- Volunteer on PMC weekend. The PMC would not be possible without the thousands of volunteers who support the event.
Some routes will sell out and volunteer shifts will fill, so register today!
There’s a lot riding on us,
Billy Starr
Founder/Executive Director