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A Thank You to All

Published Date:   August 10, 2021

Topic:   PMC News, PMC 2021

Dear PMC Riders, Volunteers & Sponsors,

Thank you all for embracing PMC weekend in the most complex environment ever presented in our 42 years. There is no need to belabor what COVID has done to society. But there is reason to cheer how dedicated people pivot to buttress important missions in a difficult time.

The a-thon industry was decimated in 2020 but not the PMC. Nationally, philanthropy grew but the a-thon industry was the only sector to decline. This year, every event (tens of thousands) had to change its model to regain traction. For the PMC that meant “Reimagining & De-densification.”

And you all cooperated beautifully. Regardless of your weekend role, together we orchestrated an event that looked and felt normal while applying best medical advice and leadership – a model event that we started planning last September. From my 42-year lens it looked like 2021 expertise experienced by 1989 numbers of riders – evenly spread all over the Commonwealth!

As always, there was a lot of humanity on display – and one cannot get enough of that. I am grateful. Now, let us collectively surge past the $52 million goal. As of this writing, we are approaching $45 million.

On behalf of the PMC staff, everyone who works at Dana-Farber or has availed themselves of their compassionate and expert care, thank you.

Billy Starr
Founder & Executive Director


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