PMC Blog

Why I PMC - Chris Welch

Written by Chris Welch | Jul 18, 2023 12:30:00 PM
#WhyIPMC guest blog by Chris Welch, 1st-year, Living Proof rider
Cancer has plagued me my whole life, starting when I was two and lost my father. I am lucky and have two children who are working, married (son is engaged and daughter married a great fellow) and thriving. The family is close and we share history. Our collective history defines who we are. I can’t imagine what it would have been like for them if I simply did not exist. They certainly would be different people. That is what cancer took from me, but it wasn’t done.  
 I had a step father who was a nice enough fellow. He died of cancer when I was in my early thirties. Thereafter, two step sisters, all my aunts, my mother in my 40s, and then this year my sister died of cancer. The cancer varied amongst them all but the constant was that cancer took them rapidly.  At 65 I am the longest lasting male in my family. I have lived a pretty healthy life and have done all the medical preventative measures. At 64 I had a high PSA test and thereafter the revelation that I had prostate cancer (advanced an aggressive) was shocking.
 I entered into the Dana-Farber/MGH/Brigham system with all options on the table. Surgery was ruled out as the tumor had spread. ThereforeI began radiation, hormone therapy, and brachytherapy. Last week I was told by one of my doctors that I was in full remission. When I began my journey I thought I would be like all my family, gone within months. Now I have a life to lead! I ride because the very advanced therapies and treatments have saved me. I want to contribute so that Dana-Farber et. al. can continue their research to help others who otherwise have no hope and are like the rest of my family, “I am sorry, you have at most 4 months”. I have retired from my job as a trial court judge. I hope to enjoy life with my family and friends, avocations, and give back to the world (I am presently volunteering in disaster relief for the Red Cross and Habitat for Humanity). My goal is to do one “mitzvah” a day for someone to  honor the gift of life I have been given.